Australian Sandstone Paving
The colour of a beach.

These diamond sawn smooth pavers are typically cut 50mm thick into 400x800mm rectangles and are easily made into squares, step treads, coping, etc.. but are also available to be cut to your specifications.
sold per square metre.
Our "random square" pattern is as timeless as the roman roads that still exist and stand testament to its durability. Flagstone paving is a split stone so it has that character that only a natural irregular surface can bring. Averaging 75mm thick once it is laid on a mortar bed it will be thicker than most slabs.
sold per square metre.

Sold in large square half slabs (about a metre by a metre) and can be easily split into a random square or broken (crazy) pattern. Also giving you the autonomy to make step treads, caps, garden edges or much more all from the same versatile product ensuring continuity through out your job.
sold per square metre.
Not only does our paving fit in with our environment it fits in with our walling, capping, step treads and every product on this site because it all comes from the same place....AUSTRALIA. As a result it comes with a tiny carbon footprint. Furthermore it's also why you can colour match it years later and even at its smoothest cut it meets B.C.A. "heel safe" slippage requirements without exfoliating or grip strips etc.. and with its reflective colour tones doesn't absorb heat making it to hot to touch in summer.
Related products.
Compliment your paving job with one of our other products from signage to furniture or use our paving stones as capping stones or from step treads to a massive fireplace!