Sandstone Thresh-holds, mantles, hearths, lintels, sills, plinths and more...

First Choose the Thickness...
Then Choose the Edge...

Our Slabs are about 1100x2200mm and come in 50,75,100 & 200mm thick.
Call the shop in Brookvale or email for a quote.

It's possible to have sandstone cut to just about any size and shape. Although you will find that if you work with the parameters of a quarry block (about one metre by two metres) it'll save money. Don't forget to consider the weight.
Some helpful hints
- Rock faced is the most popular edge because of its durability.
- Half the stone thickness is a good benchmark for capping overhang.
- Rock facing protrudes past the arris line about half the thickness of the stone..... (50mm stone equals roughly 25mm rock face).
- Bull nosed also generally protrudes half the thickness of the stone but width measurements have always been calculated to the pinnacle of the nose.
- Sawn edges are always supplied with a slight round (about a pencil) to remove the sharpness.
- A rule of thumb is that if your wall is up to hip hight then 50mm is right. From hip to shoulder then you might start looking at 75mm and if its over your head then consider 100mm.
- Any questions at all just give us a call.